• May 12, 2024

Phillies Should Lower The Boom On These Idiots

Another night, another game, another idiot running onto the field.  Something has to be done and it needs to be done immediately.

We’ve had two idiots running onto the field in a couple of days and that was only a month after another idiot had thrown up on a couple of young girls.

This is a year after a guy was killed outside the park by two drunken fools, before a lady was run over and killed by another drunk.

I don’t know what the Phillies should do about all of the things going on outside the park, but I can tell you what they should do about the idiots inside the park.

They must make any fans who decide to run onto the field pay some substantial money and spend some time in jail for the infraction.

I’m not talking about chump change or a night in jail.

I’m talking a bout a $10,000 fine.¬† I want a judge to clean out their bank accounts.

The tasering isn’t going to stop these guys from running onto the field.¬† They don’t think the tasering is going to hurt them that bad, so they won’t stop the idiots.

A dude who comes to a game with pants this ugly shouldn’t be allowed into the stadium.

I want to see these fools who aren’t capable of sitting in their seats and enjoying the game, to face some serious repurcussions.

I’m talking about spending six months in jail. Let them spend some time with “Bubba” in the joint and see how they like that.

The only way you stop this behavior is by making the penalty hurt and making it hurt severely.¬† If it doesn’t hurt enough, these dopes will continue to run onto the field and eventually somebody will get hurt.

What do you think?


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May 5, 2010 4:41 am

I agree 100%. This used to be a novel thing, but it has run its course. The best solution would be to ban them from all Philly sporting events, but there is no way that they could enforce it. So that leaves us with a stiff fine or a long jail sentence.

I am going to the game tonight (Kendrick, ugh) and I am pretty sure that another idiot will try it.

May 5, 2010 5:14 am

Alot of it comes down to alcohol too. Most of this crap is because of people being drunk and its a shame because most of the other fans are drinking and acting responsible but like everything else in the world will have to pay the price for a few morons.

May 5, 2010 5:42 am

The only thing the Phillies organization can do to prevent this from happening is to make it harder to get onto the field. Beyond that it’s the City’s responsibility to punish this crime. I would suggest 500hrs community service. I had to do 40hrs community service before and it sucked. I would rather pay 10k than do 500hrs.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
May 5, 2010 5:44 am

I heard that guy last evening has a tatoo on his butt stating “Songsforme2″…

May 5, 2010 5:54 am

G, with all due respect, you are being absolutely ridiculous. You really need to get your priorities straight as it relates to the justice system. Our jails in this country are extremely over crowded and play a big part in true criminals getting off scotch free. Donte Stallworth killed a man while drunk driving and only served a month in jail. OJ Simpson committed double homicide and didn’t do ANY time for it. Now you’re asking for kids who run onto a baseball field to serve 6 months in jail and lose every penny they have? WOW. With our luck, they’ll end up taking a cell in jail from a drunk who ends up killing an innocent person. Lets get some perspective on this people.

May 5, 2010 6:50 am

Greatest article ever written!

May 5, 2010 6:58 am

I think that G was trying to suggest something that can be changed easily not like the entire justice system. If you want to have that discussion than I am on board, but to bring it up here is ridiculous. I don’t really think that he was serious when he said 6 months in jail, but a harsher penalty is the point.

I love the community service idea. Works out for everyone.

May 5, 2010 7:06 am

bugsyhawk, I think he was being serious. My point was not to change the justice system but to point out that 6 months in jail for being a nuisance is beyond extreme. I come to this site for sporting news, not to read articles complaining about someone running on the field. Who cares.

May 5, 2010 8:25 am

I care.

When Hamels is about to pitch in the 9th and some dude runs on the field. I care. I am not blaming the subsequent 2 double on that guy, but I am getting a little frustrated with lawlessness at the games. This is one situation that they can control by levying a higher penalty on people who rush the field. So why not?

May 5, 2010 8:33 am

bugsy, I agree with imposing strict penalties on this sort of thing, despite finding it comical. Imposing a 6 month jail sentence is what I find to be completely and utterly ridiculous. G also made a suggestion to wipe our their bank accounts. Really? Maybe while we’re at it, we could impose a 1-month jail sentence to those using foul language at the stadium.

May 5, 2010 8:40 am

@Paul….He was screaming “PHILLYWILL WHERE ARE YOU??????”

May 5, 2010 8:49 am

I actually blame the people who work the gates for what happened last night. Why on earth would you let a guy into the stadium wearing pants like that?

May 5, 2010 9:35 am

Not only that, this guy ran on at the worst possible time in the game.

May 5, 2010 11:27 am

btc24 has the right of it. You don’t take up space in jail that could be used on a more serious offender. This is what community service and heavy fines are for.

Some people will be idiots regardless of the consequences, and that doesn’t mean the taxpayers should pay for their jail time.

May 5, 2010 2:16 pm

I just want to know why the guy is wearing capris.

anderson silva
anderson silva
May 5, 2010 3:02 pm

Back when I was a kid, G was still playing for the Birds. From where we sat, we could see into the opposing team’s entrance, and I saw a guy run down onto the Vet’s field, get caught by the cops and they led him off thru that tunnel. They got 10 feet inside it when cop turned around and busted him in the mouth, hard. That is not the right response, and I have no idea if it worked as a deterrent to prevent him from running on the field again, but it certainly worked for ME. I do not want to eat a punch like that from a Philly cop.