• July 27, 2024

Jeffrey And Joe, It’s Finally Time For Andy Reid To Go

For another week, the Philadelphia Eagles found a way to lose yet another 4th quarter lead and this time it was against a bad Arizona Cardinal team on Sunday at The Linc.

The Cardinals defeated the Eagles in a very ugly game, 21-17.  This loss could be the one that puts the nail in the coffin for the Eagles 2011 season and could be the one that puts the nail into Andy Reid’s coaching career with the Philadelphia Eagles.

The loss makes the Eagles record on the season 3-6 and fans are wondering what is next with what had been such a promising season that the Eagles had envisoned.  What is next for this team?

Does Reid have a problem with having a quality running game?  Thru his career with the Eagles he always seems to have a problem with utilizing a running attack and 2011 is no different.  The Eagles have the leading rusher in the National Football League in 2011 with LeSean McCoy.

Coach what were you thinking in Sundays game by keeping the ball out of McCoy’s hands for almost 13 minutes of the game?  There was no DeSean Jackson and Jeremy Maclin.

What were you thinking in that stubborn brain of yours?  Our coach just has this thing for passing the ball most of the time.  It has been something he has just not been able to overcome in his tenure with the Eagles.  He’s an admitted “Passaholic” and can’t stop passing the football.

Michael Vick the Philadelphia Eagles offensive leader had a terrible game.  His passes were not hitting the receivers and he committed turnovers which eventually cost the Eagles the game in the end.  He was over throwing to most of his wide receivers all day long.

We learned yesterday that Vick broke two ribs on the second play of the game against the Cardinals.  The offense was able to only score one touchdown for the entire game.

Reid needs to take most of the blame for continuing to rely on Vick despite the fact that he wasn’t on his game.  We didn’t know why during the game, but it still didn’t make sense to continue throwing the football while your quarterback is struggling and your running game is rolling.

On the defensive side of the ball, the Eagles played better for at least three quarters of the game.

Let’s look closely again at Juan Castillo, our defensive coordinator who is in over his head.   He’s just getting out-coached by the opponents.  Reid, you again are to blame for this.   You hired a guy who was the team’s offensive line coach and had no experience in the NFL as a defensive coordinator.

Every fan inside THE Linc on Sunday knew that the Cardinals had one offensive threat and that threat was Larry Fitzgerald.  Why are you not double-teaming him and when you were going to single cover him, then why not with Nmandi Asomugha?

Coach you have no idea what is going on, on the field.  The defense looks clueless because they are.  They are getting that from you who have no idea what in the world you are doing and it totally shows on the field.  Andy Reid, this is your big mistake and another reason why it is time for you to go.

Andy Reid,  the time has finally come.  How many more times do the fans of Philadelphia have to hear you say, “I’ve got to do a better job or it’s my responsibility.  It has become a broken record and it looks like you cannot do it.  This has been going on for the 13 years you have been in Philadelphia.

Andy you are the winningest coach in the franchise history and you brought the franchise back.  But sometimes a coach can only take a team so far and it looks like you are that kind of coach.  You cannot get the Philadelphia Eagles over that hump.

It is time for a new head coach for the Philadelphia Eagles. Time for a new system and coaches. Andy Reid must go but will Jeff and Joe let him go.

George Remaily

I am a major sports fan... Philadelphia number one but I am very knowledgeable about other teams.... I was a broadcaster, play by play for C.B. West Football in the 1990's during their state championship years... Have interview players, famous people, and had two shows I did with guests and interviews.... I am looking to pursue my dream of being in the sports industry as a career....

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November 15, 2011 11:14 am

if only there was a coach out there who was commited to running the rock and could help us build a D. If only there was a coach out there who had the guts to get his JAW in the faces of our players to pump some fuel into them.

November 15, 2011 11:44 am

We need to stay healthy and keep losing in spectacular fashion in order for big red to be gone. The ownership needs to be embarrassed into making a change.
I wonder if Reid’s contract is guaranteed even if he lands another HC job, which he surely would.
Honestly, I think one of the biggest factors in whether he stays or goes is his perception around the league as a very good coach. Lurie and Banner will have a hard time cutting somebody loose that they know would land another HC job as quickly as Reid would.
They need to be reminded that the Jet’s scooped up Kotite when they fired him all those years ago, and how did that work out?

November 15, 2011 1:40 pm

He’s already embarrassed. From what I understand, fans left the Linc in droves and they were quite displeased. Christmas is coming and Eagles merchandising will be waaaaaaaayyyyy down.

Lurie’s about the $$$$$.

November 15, 2011 2:01 pm

Remember Dungy in Tamp Bay . . .

November 15, 2011 2:01 pm

Went to school with a George Remaily – you from Hatboro –

Anyway – sadly – I have crossed over (no I told you so – I get enough of those from the wife!) and think the time has come for a fresh change. I am torn now with the realization that it isn’t even December and the season is going to end early this year.

So help me fellow Eagle fans – how do we approach the rest of the year? Do I hope the eagles lose to confirm change – do I hope they go on an amazing 7 game win streak – haven’t been here in about 13 year……..

E – your plan reminds me of the eagles pre-vermiel – you just knew – somehow, someway they would find a way to lose….

November 15, 2011 2:18 pm

Its not going to happen this year! Face it! Reid will be here definitely, next season…

So what are you going to do? Wish for the teams demise next season? This is exactly why this type of article and talk does not make any sense!

November 15, 2011 2:24 pm

DW believe it or not the dudes sitting next to me bought hats and jerseys during the freaking 4th quarter. That might of been the low point of the entire fiasco for me.

November 15, 2011 3:45 pm

Schiller must be devastated because he can’t call the people who saw this coming morons, idiots, illogical,predictors of the future and ID dominated individuals. Come out like a man as Navy did. Eat some crow. Don’t hide like a pussy.

November 15, 2011 3:50 pm

where is schiller, oh schiller?, get your ass out here and take your well-deserved pounding

November 15, 2011 3:55 pm

LMAO – so because George Remally (wtf is this cat?) and some fans believe its time to go, its gotta be right? Cuz Navy decided that he agrees, we need a change its right? LMAO – you cats are comical…
here just to say, I told you so…

So since Reid will be here in 2012, will you all be wishing for the final nail in the coffin, or for Reid to lead the team to a SB?

November 15, 2011 4:00 pm

Paulman’s Rankings for the NFC after Week # 10

#1) Packers (9-0) – Best all around team in the NFL, enough said
#2) 49ers (8-1) – Probably the most physical team in the NFC on both sides of the ball
#3) NO Saints (7-3) – Big win on the road over a division foe
#4) Bears (6-3) – Winners of 4 in a row and beating the teams in the NFC that they need to beat to get into the Playoffs as a Wildcard (6-3 Record versus NFC Competition)
#5) Giants (6-3) – Playing well and confident through a tone of injuries, QB Eli quirtly having a great season, tough loss on the road in a close gamve vs the 49ers doesn’t knock them down too far in my book
#6) Lions (6-3) – Early Season magic seems to be gone as their running game has disappears and Stafford is now starting to look a little shaky..
#7) Falcons (5-4) – Playing much better with a though loss in OT to the Saints at home.. Still have a good shot at a Wildcard spot
#8) Cowboys (5-4) – PLaying better since RB Murray has been installed as their #1 RB, also WR Laurent Robinson (free-agent picked up from the Rams) has been a godsend and their most effect WR the last few weeks, check their easir schedule over the next 4 games and they are in a pretty good spot to catch the Giants (and where the Eagles should have been..)
#9) TB Bucs (4-5) – Another young, very talented but immature team who can’t close out games… Will be an up and down team all season like the
#10) Arizona (3-6) – That’s right, QB SKelton leading the way with 2 wins in a Row including head to head with our Eagles.
#11) Seattle (3-6) – Won last week over a quality team in the Ravens so they move ahead of the Eagles
#12) Eagles (3-6) the most disappointing team in Eagles history
#13) Redskins (3-6) are playing young players and for nex tSeason, will this be Shanahan’s final Season..
#14) ST Rams (2-7) Winners of 2 of their las t3 games, getting in a groove with RB S Jackson and good game managment by AJ Feely/Bradford
#15) Vikings (2-7) are playing younger players for the future and have lots of needs from OL, WR,DL, Secondary but Rookie QB Ponder has shown some promise..
#16) Panthers (2-7) were playing well earlier in the Season, came off a Bye week and got thumped at home by the Titans 30-3 which is not good, some of their young players have appears to hit a wall

To be honest, after about the 9th Spot, the rest of the NFC is pretty much a joke and the bottom half of the entire NFL has become, there are more bad Teams in the NFL this Year that I can ever remember and then you add in the Colts,Dolphins, Jaguars,Browns, Broncos.. this NFL is not in good shape if you asked me and the lack of an off-season,otas, shorten camps has hurt the NFL and most teams as I can tell.. The Quality of the Game has deteriorated with the lack fundamentals whether it’s missing catches, poor or missed tackling, stupid penalies has been rampant all around the League this year.. The NFL and their teams better tighten it up for the kind of Football we see anymore in average games/teams is not very a pretty sight that we are seeing..

November 15, 2011 5:16 pm

Real – this is my issue – this is what I am struggling with – I can not in any way shape or form hope the eagles do not do well –

do I feel like a quitter, a puss – no – I am not backing off what is best for the team – the team just looks really bad right now, and it looked bad the last few games of last year……… something is not right –

is JEff Lurie going to listen to me – nope, am I going to write mean hateful naem calling things on here – no – I am very disappointed – had very high hopes – what will happen, will happen, but I will not be sad if/when the announcement comes – if Reid is here next year – I assure you I will refill my kool aid thermos and drink it all again!

November 15, 2011 7:51 pm

I already threw my Eagles catalog out. I had a few things marked in there for gifts too. I just cannot financially support an organization that is this clueless any further this season. Lets see what next year brings. Hopefully, a new DC.

November 15, 2011 8:03 pm

Is anyone, or should I say everyone tired of this team and how it operates, I know I am.. I decided I am not longer going to criticize what Front Office, Coach AR, and the Coaching Staff and the Eagle Players for what has happened over the last few years to run this Franchise into the ground..
What else is left to be said, i am tired of typing,reading and discussing it..Adios my Eagles Fans Fellow Posters.. I am just over fatigued following this Eagle team any longer.. Enjoy the Games and the remainder of the Seaon..

November 15, 2011 10:33 pm

Andy Reid and this FO sucked away all my enthusiasm for the Eagles. It’s been largely waning for the past few years because of Reid and his crappy decisions. I used to go to games, training camp, buy jerseys, shirts, coats, flags for my car etc. etc. etc. but no more.

I can honestly say that I hate Reid as the Eagles coach and have for several years.

I now watch the games with no emotional attachment and actually laugh at his asinine coaching mistakes. My interest continues, as it always will, but my positive feelings and any positive expectations for this team have been gone for two seasons now. Reid is continuing to prove to me that I’m right about his continued destruction of the Eagles.

Knowing full well that Reid will still be coach in 2012 and likely in 2013, I truly want the Eagles to lose every remaining game in hopes that it may cause his firing. No, I can’t and won’t cheer for the other team but I believe the greater the collapse, the greater the chance for the much needed change.

My enthusiasm will be renewed with a new coach as will my willingness to part with any of my hard-earned money for Eagles products. Yeah they may stink for a while and maybe even years but I prefer that over what Reid gives us now. Two steps back for 5 steps forward.

End the Reid era so the Eagles can live.

November 15, 2011 10:36 pm

Yes, I suppose I should change my name but I think I’ll keep it with the full knowledge that Reid will someday be gone.

Afterward, maybe they can.

November 16, 2011 3:32 am

Navy, you need to add a lot of alcohol in that Kool aid, with this team of misfits! Jeesh! Schill, I hope you didn’t hurt yourself. This is why I told you guys, not to rip us for our honest accessments of this team. I might have been a little generous giving them 7 wins. This is way worse than I thought. Season over before Thanksgiving. Horrible!

November 16, 2011 7:09 am

What up fellas. Ha, its nice to see that I was so missed. First, I’m eating breakfast now, because it’s the morning and I’m hungry. No meat in this breakfast, but if there were, it would not be crow. I don’t regret any of my statements and I stand by them. It WAS fortune telling. Remember folks, I didn’t say the Eagles were going to dominate (I believe that was Songs), or even get to the playoffs. I never predicted anything so I don’t see how I should eat crow.

Big, I’m not devastated but thanks for the concern. I’m fine. I just focus on other things in life when the Eagles suck it up for periods. It’s much more healthy for me personally. I don’t see the use in posting the same shit over and over “reid must go” – it provides no catharsis, venting or any other benefit to me. I’ll watch Sunday and every game going forward because I love Shady McCoy, I love when the Eagles make a play and win games etc…. I’ll get a good feeling if the Eagles beat the Giants (if I have to explain that, ha, wow). I’m going to be an Eagles fan for the rest of my life. So next year, if Reid is still coach, and the Eagles gel and change things, I’ll be rooting for a superbowl run. If next year there’s someone else as head coach, I’ll be rooting for THAT team to make a superbowl run. Same goes for the team in 8, 13, and 25 years from now.

I DONT agree Reid must go. I think Morningweig must go, and perhaps Juan. I think DRC’s ego needs to grow past the high school level. Same goes for every player on this team practically – they need to take this adversity and use it as a lesson. The players NEEDED this adversity because their egos were WAY TOO high.

As for the merchandise/supporting the team financially goes – I’m with you all. But for different reasons. This is the first year in a while where I didn’t purchase a new jersey – because the economy sucks, I had Shady kelly green from last year and frankly, there’s better uses of my money. That’s all.

Navy, I’m disappointed in you. Wanting the Eagles to lose for change. I think change is possible without them losing. I want the Eagles to win. I think moving on from Morningweig is a good idea. I think moving on from Reid could be good or bad – I’d accept either and don’t have much of a preference either way. I think Juan needs to go – not because of his pedigree (or as many see it his lack there of) but because of the decisions he makes. I think Mudd should stay (if he’s still got enough left).

And for the record, I truly think that while Vick is obviously taking a beating and doesn’t deserve all the blame, the guy still has MAJOR ego issues that block his ability to play at his high level.

Have a good one, and don’t let your obsessions with Reid going get in the way of your life outside the Eagles.

Powelton Villager
Powelton Villager
November 16, 2011 7:44 am

The Eagles fans in the 6th fleet are crying in Dubai

November 16, 2011 8:10 am

My middle son and I have already stated that if Reid is brought back we will boycott the Eagles and disown them as our team…. we will join root for the other team in PA….the Steelers. I can’t go on with Andy running the organization anymore…
IF Lurie pulls the plug on Reid at season’s end, I think they will look for another “Andy” type coach and not a marque guy like Fisher, Cowher or Gruden…. meaning a young position coach who can be the next “great” coach in their minds.

November 16, 2011 9:00 am

Did Pman just sign off for good?

This team can really test the sanity of hardcore fans…but as long as theowner continues to make money from them, I doubt anything major will change.

November 16, 2011 9:14 am

and that’s why there will be change green, it used to be so-called lunatics like ddcar , bige , songs, bsmvideos calling for change, but now the call is from the mainstream fan, it was estimated about 10,000.00empty seats at last game, the players are now disrespecting the fans, people, many actively routing against the eagles, only the blind loyalist, maybe only one, schiller, isn’t calling for Reid’s ouster, Reid is finally bad for business, as ray didinger pointed out, and above all lurie and banner are about business, Andy Reid will resign at the end of this season

November 16, 2011 9:37 am


Why do you think Marty and perhaps Juan should be let go?

November 16, 2011 10:06 am

Normally this would be time to say I told you so…

But the pain of these loses just makes me sick.

There were so many clues that Reid had reached his peak, but too many refused to look at history. There have been plenty of coaches who can win games but simply do not posess what it takes to be a champion.

Bud Grant, (small defensive lines that got dominated in the superbowl)
Marv Levy, (had the talent, got out coached in the big game)
Don Coreyell, (the original Andy Reid)
Marty Shotenhiemer…(no heart in crunch time)

I was not just an Eagles fan but a football aholic when these guys were coaching in their primes. It was not hard to see that Reid displayed traits from all of these coaches and would never win a championship.

Wishing the Eagles go on a 7 game winning streak and make the play-offs is like keeping someone who is brain dead on life support. They would only lose in the play-offs, because once the pressure is on, Reid will become predictable and pass every play.

I once said if he had Walter Payton and Jim Brown in the backfield he would still pass. Now he has the best back in the NFL and he does not give him the touches, even with his other weapons hurt or out of the game.

Reid is the Scorpion. It is his nature. It’s was time for him to go, after he showed he could not handle TO when that team had a legitimate chance to win the superbowl. Back then we had Westbrook, TO and the offensive line to go with it. And a real defensive coordinator.

Now the Packers look like the Cowboys and the 49ers of years past. A great young QB and plenty of talent around him. Of course injures and contract disputes can stop any team. But I go by what currently is, not by what may be.

November 16, 2011 10:31 am

Sorry to disappoint schill – but one minor thing – I have posted many times, I could never ‘want’ (as many on here have posted they would like to see) the Eagles to lose – can’t do that. For me, my life has been putting a beatdown on me (nothing bad – actually I am good – a guy at work has a son that has that thing they thought Maclin had – 27 year old, 60/40 odds – but he has had to take famliy medical leave – so someone has to pick up his load – my girl’s vball team is making the run for state championship – (they were #20 in US, I think 35 or 38 now. and basketball refn starts before football refn ends – so double meetings, bball scrimmages and football playoffs – just very, very busy) – so it is easy for my ‘attention’ to slide else where

Having lived through multiple ‘regime changes’ I realize we are in for a sad couple years – there is no joy in mudville – yes, I will still hope for a seven game win streak and a 10-6 finish and make the playoffs – hell we did it at 9-6-1 one year – but that becomes the question – now that I think Reid’s time has past, how do you approach the ‘team’. Do I think Reid can recapture the team and win games?

November 16, 2011 10:36 am

Powelton Villager –

in Dubai its the 5th Fleet – the 6th Fleet is in the Med – but I get your point

November 16, 2011 10:56 am

navy…I know it is hard to root against your team. But here are a few good reasons to do so. First, this team does not have 1/1000 of the heart they would need to go on that kind of run like that. And even though they have the ability, the coaching will ultimately fail them. Unless they could somehow ignore the coaches, they are doomed by their leadership. But the two BIG reasons are this: 1) draft pick. We need a major impact player on defense. You need a top ten pick to get that. We need a monster DT or a stud MLB. Either one would make this defense twice as good. 2) Andy. The only way we can get rid of him is if this thing just goes completely south like 1994 south. If he limps through with seven wins he will be back. We need a 5-11 season to even have a chance of getting rid of Andy. That would be his worst record with the most talent he has had on paper. And 5-11 would probably assure a top ten pick. With another top forty pick on the Kolb deal we could move into the top five by trading both picks. Top five picks are frequently franchise players.
So here’s to hoping VY is the QB Sunday night and it gets even uglier. The uglier the better. Of course, you can bet Shady will have 25+ touches this week because Andy is back in desperation mode. Only runs when he is desperate. If you want proof I can provide it. He should have been desperate Sunday, but he didn’t think the Cards were good enough to play desperate.

November 16, 2011 11:12 am

Songs – I’ve never liked Marty. I’d personally just like a change there. I think he’s far more stubborn than any fan calls Reid.

Juan – I think the guy (again, not because of his pedigree or lack there of, just from what he says and does) thinks that ‘more effort/heart’ solves everything. I think he’s shown that he can’t do the job right.

November 16, 2011 11:14 am

Navy, I hear you big time. Best of luck to your coworker’s kid – I work in that specific field so I have a sense of what it must be like. I hear you big time on focusing on other things in life and good luck with your daughter’s team.

I just personally am still rooting for wins and exitement. They’re going to make or not make a change regardless of me or what I comment, and it won’t be happening before the season ends. So I’m not bothering with that topic. I’m looking forward to watching the game Sunday night. Period.