• May 7, 2024

Chip Kelly Should Copy Belichick On Limiting Riley Cooper Controversy

RileyCooper&ChipKelly1First of all, I think Eagles head coach Chip Kelly has done a very good job of jumping on this Riley Cooper controversy, dealing with it promptly, then giving his football team a chance to react to it.  It’s not going to go away immediately, but the Birds need to have a game plan for staying on top of it.

Going forward I think Kelly needs to borrow the public relations philosophy from his friend and New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick and limit the amount of talking they do about the Cooper situation.  Everybody has had the chance to give the media their take on it, but they’re going to need to limit how much more they say or the controversy will dominate their training camp.

The number one reason the Eagles are in training camp is to prepare for the upcoming NFL season.  They’re not there to solve the problems of the nation or the city.  Belichick knows how important it is that a team doesn’t allow the media to dictate what it decides to focus on.  He coaches his guys on dealing with the media.  Most teams don’t get specific about dealing with the media and many of them have paid a price.

Belichick goes so far as to have role playing sessions with somebody acting like a reporter and the players getting the chance to practice their answers to prying questions.

All the media wants is a story and most of us could care less how the Eagles do this season.  Kelly needs to sit his team down and talk about what is in the best interest of the football team.  Cooper needs to stop talking about the controversy to the media as well as the players on the team and the front office.  If they don’t start limiting how much they talk about it, it will never go away.

If the Birds don’t watch it, this controversy can consume their thinking to the point where it makes practicing an afterthought and that’s not the reason they’re having training camp workouts. This is a very important time for the football team as it prepares for the upcoming season.

They should decide on when they will talk about the Cooper situation and when they won’t talk about the Cooper situation.  They don’t need to talk about it all the time.


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August 2, 2013 12:55 pm


Take a look over on ESPN’s NFL page right now. Top 3 stories are about Cooper and there’s one about Hernandez way down at the bottom of the list.

One guy drunk and acts like an idiot…the other guy being investigated for at least 3, and possibly more murders.

The Pats shut that shit down. One statement from the hoodie, and one from Brady where all he said was the team was committed to winning, now move on.

The Birds have been dragged through this kind of media crap from TO, to Donnie puking, to unstoppable dynasties, to this.

They’ve got to tighten up this ship.

August 2, 2013 1:26 pm

Exactly Vinnie. What cooper said was a poor choice for words, but the didn’t murder anyone, and and hasn’t been involved in any dog fighting operations. If Vick can rebound and earn the respect for mutilating innocent and defenseless animals,then Cooper will be just fine.

August 6, 2013 12:42 pm

if we are going to crusify riley cooper then we must also crusify all the people that use the n word there are many black people including rappers that use that word to make money with it personally i beleive it should not be alowwed to be used by any one !!!!!! it should be removed from the english lang & stricken from all songs!!!!!!! it is not a cool word ,look at what happened to paula dean how is she able to be crusified for something she said many years ago

August 2, 2013 2:01 pm

Being that Cooper’s been eliminated from daily practices indefinitely, hopefully it means a release is forthcoming. It’s not as if his situation will improve when the Eagles begin playing other teams either…the right thing to do since this has become a national story is for Cooper to bow out of the NFL and deal with his problems on his own time. Perhaps in a year or so an NFL team will give him a second chance.

August 2, 2013 2:04 pm
Reply to  Butch007

its kind of a shame and weird if he stole money all these years then gets cut for this.

August 2, 2013 2:44 pm

President Obama said he watches his two daughters interact with other youth and the learned biases concerning race, religion, gender, sexual orientation seem to be dissipating in that generation ( it is a non-factor).
Here is a synopsis of a Paul Rodriquez ( a stand up comic ) performance —- we all will fuck and procreate be it with White, Black, Hispanic, Asian and in 100 years we will all look like Native American ( Indians ) where the population started 300 plus years ago anyway so lets start f-ing now .

August 2, 2013 2:49 pm

its a good point eages0superbowls. just had this convo with a co-worker and its clear social norms are changing the hot topic and norms changing very fast right now includes the lgbt right now.

August 2, 2013 5:39 pm

I’m black and I’ve forgiven him. What I haven’t forgiven him for is IN A PLAYOFF GM VS GB, WITH THE SEASON ON THE LINE, YA GOTTA GRAB THE CORNERBACK AND NOT LET HIM GET THE PICK… situational football. New England understands it and our team’s gotta do the same

August 2, 2013 6:56 pm

Hilarious Mr. C and right on on the Pats.

August 2, 2013 7:52 pm

Nice Mr1, you get it

August 2, 2013 8:37 pm

Sick of all this Riley Cooper talk. Lets talk about who looks good in practice.


Ifeanyi Momah and Michale Vick were todays standouts. Vick at this point is the starter.

August 2, 2013 9:24 pm

It looks like the PC police and the media have another victim. It’s ashame that a young man’s career could be over something this stupid. Cooper did something very wrong but if he is cut does the punishment really match the crime?

August 2, 2013 9:44 pm

He’s messed up and he needs help, and this will haunt him for the rest of his life. Being a white dude this is an embarrassment to me. I am sorry for this guys hurtful words.

August 2, 2013 10:09 pm

He needs help, that’s right to disengage himself from the liberal media, agenda that wants to cut his balls off for making a comment, wrong and offensive, perhaps, but depending on the context, maybe understandable, but all this I am sorry, I am a pussy, I am wrong, enough, if you are wrong, state it, apologize, move on, screw every one else

August 2, 2013 10:19 pm

Honestly, I don’t known what to think about this situation. Obviously he’s an absolute moron for uttering a moronic statement, drunk or not, hes a dumbass. As mike Vick has proven to us, life is about second chances. Just listen to Mike speak, act and conduct himself in general. No matter what your feelings are on him…. I can tell you it has been a pleasure to see him grow as a person. I this this is a life lesson for Riley Cooper, learn live and teach other about his mishaps.

August 2, 2013 10:31 pm

If a football team can not find a way to process what one of their own has done and learn for all the internal pain to be processed what hope is there for our Nation!

Cooper should not be attending any classes alone…He should be there with 89 dudes and coaches and ownership learning to process how sometimes hateful speech is a weapon wielded in fear.

B Dawk said it best though. Real Leadership would not have had Riley standing alone on the sideline. Unfortunately it will require a Black player to extend the olive branch and begin healing for the WHOLE team, town, ect. I don’t think a non black player can be the first because they don’t want to be seen as like minded vs forgiving.

Some of you may think there should be no forgiveness. I understand that I will never understand your pain from what Cooper did in the same way you do nor can I begin to tell you how you should feel. I can say though that if we do not forgive him then we continue the bigotry of retribution. Mayb you are fine with that.

If I were coach kelly I would have 89 players lined up in front of cooper all with blindfolds on. In one hand an egg in another a wreath. Instruct every player to choose with no one looking to throw a wreath at cooper if they have every said anything hateful that they would take back or if they are above all that throw an egg at him. then throw the other over your shoulder.

How many of you can throw a wreath without making a liar of yourselves?

August 2, 2013 10:34 pm

If Riley cooper was your son would you allow this public flogging over stating a word that young blacks routinely state, I would come forward and state my son is not a racist but showed poor judgement , he apologized, if that’s not enough, then it’s your problem, enough already

August 2, 2013 10:45 pm

If it were me I would welcome 88 eggs in search of 1 wreath. I would just need to know I had a foothold on the mountainside I fell off.

August 3, 2013 6:16 am
Reply to  RegalEagle

88 eggs 1 wreath- great quote!

August 2, 2013 10:47 pm

I don’t believe many eggs would get thrown and guys being honest about their own behaviors in their lives knowing no one would see might be open to beginning to forgive. Forgiveness is not a state of being it is a process.

August 2, 2013 10:50 pm

The team not being able to heal from this will not be solved by removing cooper. Every player will be looking at each other all year asking “what’s in his heart?”. This team will be much stronger if they process this.

August 2, 2013 10:50 pm


August 2, 2013 10:53 pm

These are the kind of incidents that lead to suicides in War zones. I pray Riley is watched after.

August 2, 2013 10:55 pm

I also hope Riley will one day apologize directly to the security guard he mouthed off to.

August 2, 2013 11:37 pm

This cooper thing is blown up and stupid.

Mccoy… shut up. I have no respect for a guy who treats his woman the way you do.

I have no respect for a guy who gets trashed and cant show up to an event and blames like 10 other people for.

He made a mistake… said he was sorry and the team shouldnt air their crap. This is an inhouse issue and should stay there. This double standard racism stuff is stupid. What he said was wrong… no doubt but… as always the media blows it up.

August 2, 2013 11:39 pm
Reply to  Stevo

As far as the guard goes… he should either forgive or settle it with a knock to big stupids face. Hos choice either way… but enough already with this selc righteous crap.

August 3, 2013 5:08 pm
Reply to  Stevo

self righteous crap– love it– my wife who is a ravens fan and i were talking about this incident- i always give her hell about the ravens– of course they have rings- anyway i mentioned to her that freaking ray lewis was involved as an accessary to murder of an AA man and no one seems to have a problem with him in the locker room…. so to recap murdering a man is not as bad as saying a word?????

August 4, 2013 10:19 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Agree Hac, and the truth is it isn’t as bad in the court of public opinion. ESPN is just taking a page out of the national media’s race war attitude. BTW ESPN are the biggest fucking hypocrites around. When a player does says something racial or gay slur (like Cooper), they pimp it out as if they are goody-goodys. Then, they cover the Hernandez story everyday yet they hire a guy in Ray Lewis, who was guilty of pretty much the same thing in obstruction of justice of a murder. Hernandez got rid of the gun, while Lewis got rid of the bloody white suit. ON Cooper, he could easily be the biggest racist piece of shit in his personal life. But the fact of the matter is, on this incident he apologized in front of the media and to the team in private. That should be the end of it unless he does it again. There are players on this team that treat women like crap, verbally abuse women on twitter, give women herpes, drag race at high speeds and yet those are non issues.

Josh Brent commits Manslaughter and is on the team sidelines like the next day. Yet that was nothing compared to saying a racial slur. Just saying, its fucked up to see where the medias priorities are at. Saying something racist or homophobic should not be treated a 100 times worst over things like manslaughter.

August 4, 2013 7:36 pm
Reply to  Stevo

I don’t see where the team is airing anything. it’s the media that’s perpetuating this incident. And there’s no “double standard”. THOUGH I DON’T AGREE WITH AND ABSOLUTELY HATE IT, younger blacks use it colloquially in an atmosphere of camaraderie sans animus. Whites, on the other hand, use it mostly in a vitriolic, malicious, and disparate manner to imbue hurt and to subconsciously try to establish a doctrine of racial superiority. Huge difference.

August 5, 2013 1:24 am
Reply to  slick1

Slick… U kidding me? McCoy said he couldn’t trust a guy like that… Give me a break.

U don’t see a double standard? U are kidding yourself son. Open your eyes…

August 5, 2013 3:25 am
Reply to  Stevo

Obviously in your rush to challenge my post you failed to read it in it’s entirety. Re-read it and get back with me. Either that, or you have a serious comprehension problem.

August 5, 2013 3:36 am
Reply to  slick1

Stevo, McCoy is merely RESPONDING to a question asked by members of the MEDIA (the perpetuators). These are not statements voluntarily initiated by McCoy OR his team mates. NFL teams have an obligation to respond to questions concerning team activities and/or team mates. As far as double standards are concerned read the last sentence of the first paragraph as it pertains to black culture.

August 3, 2013 4:15 am

Who snitched on Cooper?…This happened a month ago…Why now?

August 3, 2013 7:34 am
Reply to  frankdialogue

I was thinking the same thing?

August 3, 2013 4:07 pm

This shit is getting old. I understand it wasn’t right for what Cooper said, but for the team/NFL to make him go to counseling? Really?? Get real

August 3, 2013 7:58 pm

Good article Mr. Cobb,
Comcast just had a ½ special on Cooper. Don’t you think the PC media is going just a bit overboard? And where does McCoy get off being so sensitive. Isn’t he the guy that assaulted a woman last month? Where was the media then?

August 3, 2013 10:35 pm

It’s because Cooper is white dtime. Plain and simple

Times yours
Times yours
August 4, 2013 2:33 am

The only thing that the Pat’s did, that the Eagles need to simulate is the cutting of their problem child…. So long, farwell, goodbye, keep it moving, tutaonana, the brothers i.e. stars of this team don’t feel comfortable, don’t won’t you around, so Riley, do the Michael Jackson and Beat It. As Paulman would say (My Sources) tell me it would be in his his best interest to request his release. Yeal I know, I done started some shit now. lol

Good Day,Good Sports,

August 4, 2013 9:38 am

Your a funny dude times yours, good day to you, and good sports…..

August 4, 2013 9:43 am

What the public should understand is this isn’t about race relations it’s about race baiting. The Cooper situation is good for rating. Why do you think there are so many articles about Foley vs. Vick or the 7 by 24 coverage of Zimmerman? If Cooper is cut now there are going to be many players that think Cooper was treated unfairly. They wouldn’t say it but they will talk about it when the cameras aren’t around. What about them? What coach Kelly should do now is what Mr. Cobb suggests and shut the media circus down now.

August 4, 2013 9:56 am

Black people should stop worrying what white people say, do, because it is largely irrelevant to thier own lives, destiny, some brothers talk as though they just arrived here from the Dinka tribe, well thanks to the forward thinking, sacrifices of many black AND white people, there was this thing called the thirteenth amendment, and dig this, blacks were afforded the privilege of voting BEFORE women, so

This USA is your oyster my black friends, you can do, succeed, as you wish, your race is not only irrelevant but a huge advantage to you because of affirmative action

But some of you want to dwell on what some young dude from Florida has to say about you

August 4, 2013 5:03 pm
Reply to  jakedog

Seriously Jake, do you read half the crap you type? You have no idea what a person of another race feels or goes through, you sound ignorant and uneducated. Which I know your neither, so what purpose was your post?

August 4, 2013 5:22 pm

Cooper’s started receiving threats…my suspicion is that a release is probably imminent and soon. This guy has to get out from under the glare of mainstream media ASAP. Regardless of what your opinion is that he’s getting plastered all over sports media as a racist he needs to go into hiding for his own safety and the safety of his family.

August 4, 2013 6:04 pm

DIdn’t D-JAx just last off-season call a Radio-Caller a “Fag” on the Air live while doing a local SPorts Radio SHow out in California.. Did he get Fined, Have to Apologize for a week and get sensitivity Training ..
This HErnandez Case up in NEw England has the NFL and it’s Teams on egg-shells and every little thing that happens or occurs by any Player right now is getting treated with a sledge hammer and barrage with media attention.. It’s the world we live in.. Don’t get me wrong, Cooper is at the minimum, an idiot for saying what he did.. Is he a rascist, I have no idea,
was he drinking with his buddies at a COncert, probably putting his macho-face on to impress his friends, pick-up chickes, etc, who knows the motives.. but really, a group of young people at a concert drinking and poor decisions and improper behavior follows.. Surprise..Is this really news.. C’mon… go down the Parking Lots before or after games, take a walk on South Street at night or along the Wildwood Boardwalk during the evening..
Young People/Young Adults and Alcohol = Poor Descisions and Improper Behavior..

Times yours
Times yours
August 4, 2013 6:09 pm

Reality check. Some of you so called fun loving red bloodied Americans that post here seem to be more angry that this idiot got caught on video saying what he said, versus what he actually said. Said commentary.

Good day good sports

August 4, 2013 7:42 pm
Reply to  Times yours

There’s truth in that brother.

August 4, 2013 8:02 pm

Biglion821…why even try to reason with him? It’s an absolute waste of time and energy. He’s another white guy with a “Victim Mentality” that’s completely about protecting “his own” and believes every minority has easy access to a great life but instead “chooses” to target him and others like him because somehow it’s easier. (no logic there whatsoever)

Bringing up affirmative action only strengthens an argument that pegs him as an idiot. Some people just hate actual research…you know the stuff that yields factual information? If so many people that hate affirmative action actually did just a little research they would discover that blacks and latinos aren’t the greatest beneficiaries of affirmative action, white women and the disabled are.

Even looking at the most recent affirmative action drama you can see the whole “I’m a victim!” mentality without actually being victim. Abigail Fisher vs. University of Texas…the case essentially revealed that 92% of admitted students that year were were top 10% in-state highschool grads. There were an additional 47 students that were admitted (these were the minorities Fisher complained weren’t up to snuff and stole here UT education from her) Essay work, socioeconomic status, demonstration of “leadership” abilities as well as race were considered in the admission process of these students. As it turned out of those 47 students 42 admitted were white and 5 were black or latino. Additionally, even if Fisher had been an ethnic minority and gotten points in the other areas she still wouldn’t have been admitted due to the fact that all of the admitted students outranked her in grades and SAT scores. It’s also worth noting that UT offered Fisher a provisional deferred automatic admission whereby if she maintained a 3.2 GPS for 1 year at any other Texas University she could transfer to UT as a Sophmore. Fisher turned down that off and instead elected to pursue litigation false victim mentality at work.

August 4, 2013 8:23 pm

Butch, affirmative action was necessary to correct a wrong , much like when you break a man’s arm you are obligated to fix it

The blacks, a lot of them have not fully taken advantage of affirmative action, instead focusing on being a victim, and the liberals like this, creates a power base

The riley cooper comments and the black response tells me that blacks still allow white people to define them

August 4, 2013 8:27 pm

Instead of all this emotionally laden gobbly gook, someone should have accepted Coopers challenge, and beat his ass, by whining about what he said you empower his notion

August 4, 2013 10:06 pm

Cooper made sure he said what he said when the Black security guard he threatened and others weren’t really close enough to hear anything in an extremely loud and chaotic environment. Honestly, I doubt there were very many other Black people at the Kenny Chesney concert so it’s not like there were a whole lot of people there that would have been in the direct line of fire of his statement. With him getting alienated, by his own teammates, receiving death threats and potentially having to deal with scores of angry men if he actually even makes it to the pre-season or the regular season the tension is so high there’s going to be an explosion of a physical altercation…it’s just a matter of time even with jobs on the line. One GM said Cooper’s statement was career suicide and I agree with him.

August 5, 2013 1:37 pm

Cooper Was wrong in saying that.
If any other racial or sexual term was used would this still be an issue? Would it have made it to the news? Would many of you make as big a deal?
Why this is so bad compared to the other names/terms?

August 5, 2013 7:22 pm
Reply to  EaglesWin

I am totally over the whole Cooper thing, but you are asking some really stupid questions.

August 5, 2013 2:37 pm

This article about sums up race relations in this country. For some blacks white people can never say they are sorry enough and for some whites they are wondering why they say it at all. As long as we have the media stirring things up and people feeling like victims nothing is going to change. Pretty sad.

August 6, 2013 1:45 pm

I like the fact how some of you on here who really like to crucify Vick and other Black players in the NFL for infractions or mistakes they may have made, have to now tune down your overt racism because of the RC situation. It’s funny that if a person is not of African decent they can seem to have “made a poor word choice” or be given a “having a bad day” pass. The best thing that happen was what he said because it further confirms some of you on here who try to mask your true feelings towards other people of a different ethnicity than yours. You ain’t hiding from those who can really see through you. “Go get us a SuperBowl Vicko, you have no excuse now buddy”!

August 7, 2013 9:55 am

You feeling like a victim Rocko ?

August 7, 2013 3:36 pm

See what I mean dtime. You really don’t know what to say so your inner guilty conscious tries to deflect your true feelings of pacifying overt feelings of dislike by saying something as ridiculous as ” For some blacks white people can never say they are sorry enough and for some whites they are wondering why they say it at all”, How ridiculous to say something as pacifying as that…Smh

August 7, 2013 3:38 pm

Nobody needs an apology, just don’t let stupid racist crap fall out of your mouth and we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

August 7, 2013 3:54 pm
Reply to  Rocko

you must be talking to hugh douglass

August 7, 2013 4:45 pm

Yea cigar because one black man calling another black man the n word is exactly the same as a white guy doing it. Stop being being ridiculous. By the way since this has been reported have you seen Hugh Douglas on ESPN?

August 7, 2013 4:56 pm
Reply to  Biglion821

He didn’t call him the n word as one brother says it to another in a harmonious way. He called him an Uncle Tom and house n…ER not ga in an effort to race bait and ridicule him and humiliate him. It’s the same thing

August 7, 2013 5:40 pm
Reply to  Biglion821

Its not been reported, not on their ticker. No reactions, no politicians. Nice and quiet

August 8, 2013 10:17 am

So Rocko you’re a victim shaking your head. I can assure you I’m not feeling guilt or trying to mask my true feeling.